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Truth. Beauty. Goodness.

View from the Piazza

Thoughts on culture and education.

  • Five Strategies to Cultivate University Reputation

    Five Strategies to Cultivate University Reputation

    The reputational crisis of many universities is a crisis of identity, writes Santiago Fernández-Gubieda. Here, he explains that reputation starts within the organisation, and offers five actions to foster public trust in universities

  • Secondary Catholic Teacher Formation with Word on Fire Institute: Evangelization in the Classroom

    Secondary Catholic Teacher Formation with Word on Fire Institute:  Evangelization in the Classroom

    Secondary Catholic Teacher Formation with Word on Fire Institute: Evangelization in the Classroom Bishop Robert Barron, founder of Word on Fire, emphasizes the importance of evangelization for Catholic educators. During his talk to educators from the Archdiocese of Vancouver Evangelizing is Priority One: Bishop Barron Speaks to Catholic Educators (February 23, 2021), he “highlights the… Read…

  • On the Importance of Teaching the Humanities

    On the Importance of Teaching the Humanities

    On the Importance of Teaching the Humanities As a Latin teacher in an inner-city London state school, I frequently come across raised eyebrows when telling people about my job. To say that it is countercultural to teach the Classics to children from the local council estate, many of whom barely speak English, would be putting… Read…

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